How I reduce stress

3 min readMar 17, 2021

I have been facing a lot of challenges lately, and this has affected my mind. Due to these challenges, I have developed stress-related problems and realized I need to do something about them. When I look at you here, I know that you have dealt with stress at one point or another. Most of us don’t know what we should do to reduce stress. Personally, these few tips have worked for me, and I am gladly sharing them with you.

Let me ask you a question. “How many people think that breathing can reduce stress?”

The majority of you will disagree with this tactic. But in the true sense, breathing is appropriate, especially for people with eating disorders. Well, some people tend to eat a lot when they are under stress. Once you breathe from inside, you make your mind relax, which can distract you from overthinking and sensations. A point to note is that a person with respiratory problems cannot rely on this method.

Another way I have been dealing with stress is by meditating.

By this, I mean mindfulness meditation. Sitting alone in a corner, for example, and focusing on present happenings has helped. This is because once you drift your mind from past happenings; you can set your mind free.

Oh, did I mention reading?

It is one method that has been scientifically tested. A study was done, and surprisingly reading reduces stress by 60%. I have tried this, and the results are excellent. Reading books or any other material of your choice distracts your mind and brings out an imaginary world. This is by creating imagery on whatever you are reading, thus relaxing your mind. It draws attention from whatever you are going through and brings out a different world. Try it, and you will be amazed.

I love swimming and dancing.

These two are forms of exercise that I have realized help a lot in stress management. When engaging in these two acts, I have noticed that my mind goes to my present world. Instead of focusing on what has brought stress in the first place, I can keep my mind occupied with what I am planning next. We all have that one exercise that we love. You can choose which you would like to engage and distract your mind.

I know this may sound a bit weird, but self-massage is fantastic.

In most cases, we go in spas or engage a masseur to do the job. Interestingly, having a self-massage is one thing that has helped me a lot. When I get at home stressed up, I pick my oil, and after a hot shower, I do a massage. I start with light strokes to relieve the muscles and joints. This has even helped me to sleep better at night. It is priceless yet leaving you refreshed, relaxed, and stress-free.

With a bit of practice, you can learn the art of relaxation and managing stress with little or no effort. Just start doing these simple practices daily, and you will receive




I am a writer/blogger who loves capturing every detail and turns it to written words. I love writing and in case you need a writer, here I am.